Baja Surf Trip
I just got back from a 15 day surf trip to Baja. This was probably the best Baja surf trip I have ever been on. It's refreshing to have some time out in the desert to let the world slip away and reflect on your life. I decided to start a blog just for the surf trip so if you're interested go to and check it out. While I was down in Baja I had a chance to do some Stand Up Paddle Surfing and I'm totally hooked. This is another way to make the best of Baja. When it was windy we were kitesurfing, when there were waves we were surfing, and when the waves were small we were stand up paddle surfing. What more can you ask for? Next summer we are taking 10 people down to Baja Sur with us to learn Stand Up Paddle Surfing. We'll spend the first couple days going over the basics and paddling the warm, flat water of La Ventana. Then we're off for two days of stand up paddle surfing in the waves and a final day for fishing, diving or paddling. Check out...